Elevage de la Buise
Cédric Dubroecq
Elevage de la Buise owner
Miniature Horses breeder and trainer
AMHA Judge
I became involved with the Miniature when I was 13 years old. My parents offered me two Miniature horses that had English papers. I began to learn more about Miniatures by doing research on the internet and reading magazines. Once I realized what a real Miniature horse was supposed to be, I decided to import from Winners Circle Ranch. My first AMHA horse was a wonderful stallion who helped me start in the AMHA breed and in the show ring.
I travelled a lot with my parents and with this stallion we participated in many shows and exhibitions everywhere in France and Europe. Many people said we were “crazy” to breed Miniature horses because it was absolutely not natural. But we were sure this is what we wanted to do and we continued to promote this American breed all over Europe. I was so pleased with my stallion named “Bolero” and we enjoyed showing so much. About a year after we purchased him we received a videotape about other horses for sale at the same ranch in America.
The farm had two mares who were absolutely gorgeous and had the body type I preferred. But the problem was a financial one. I was still a student and couldn’t afford both mares; the quarantine, travel and taxes were too much. My parents and I watched the video day after day, trying to decide which mare was our favorite, as it looked as if we could only afford one. It was really a difficult decision. Finally, one evening after dinner, we were again, watching the video and my father finally agreed, “Okay, we’ll buy the two mares!” I was crazy happy! Now I could finally start my breeding program with the two mares from America.
Today, my numbers have increased to 50/60 American Miniatures: 5 stallions, 35 broodmares and some young horses and foals.
My goal now is promote my own foals. I’ve bought a lot of Miniatures from America from many farms. I believe now I have enough to create my own show horses and I work now to develop my bloodlines in Europe. Our EBF babies have already won a lot in the show ring.
It’s a feeling of great accomplishment when you win with a horse born on your farm, rather than with an imported horse. When you show the babies you produced, you have chosen the cross, you own the sire and dam, and then you can say that you do a good job as breeder.
Now I know exactly what I’m researching (in the conformation of my horses) and how well my stallions are producing that I’m able to choose the exact type of mares for them to create the best babies. I like the leggy horses with a really short back and a long, long refined neck. I do prefer the light colored horses, but the conformation is the most important thing. I’m not crazy about extreme heads, for me the refinement and the really short back are the most important.
I’ve learned a lot about showing horses and I’ve traveled all over Europe to participate in the biggest AMHA shows in other countries with my EBF foals. I show my babies for friends and clients frequently and I enjoy being a part of that experience as well. I also travel to different countries to do some clinics about breeding, feeding and training horses where I can share my knowledge and explain to new owners or breeders of minis what I’ve learned.
Since 6 years I’m an AMHA approved judge, traveling all over Europe to judge shows. It is also important to teach all I know about minis to new people who are interested in these fantastic horses. They are the passion of my life. Thanks to all the people who know me from all over the world and have helped me develop my passion for the American Miniature Horses. I am where I am today because of the wonderful mini but also because I was lucky to meet great people in this industry.
Since 2017, I bought a Farm and I have way more horses than before and to take care of this horses I’m lucky to have great people working with me.